Posted On November 30, 2014
Think for a moment of a computer from the pre-1980’s era. Rooms full of large data-processing machines with their programs stored on punch cards. Eventually information from these punch cards transitioned from a physical medium to being stored… Read More
Category: classes Tags: chakra, energy anatomy, feel energy, wi-fi
I have an 11 year old mare who is very athletic, playful, and always up to something! Need I say more. On Sunday afternoon, February 13, 2011, I noticed an open wound on her inside, right hock – almost to the bone and blood was running down her leg! My mare must have clipped the inside of her hock with her front shoe while playing. So I cleaned it up, I wrapped her hock and starting Sunday night, Liza started some energy healing work on her. She worked on that wound on and off all day… Read more
My horse colicked last Friday. It was an intense few days with loads of Pranic Healing. I was super grateful for my recent Level 1 Pranic Healing training. It gave me the confidence to focus on protocols for constipation and abdominal pain. It was very stressful for me because he wasn’t pooping for almost three days, but I finally got him turned around and we are slowly starting him back on his normal feeding routine.
I got on my horse the other day, and immediately my right ankle was extremely painful in the stirrup. I used the technique from the Intro class, and within a few minutes, the pain was gone and I could ride effectively, instead of being distracted by the pain. Yea! p.s. and the pain hasn’t come back!
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge at the Pranic Healing for Horses clinic. Today was one of the best classes and experiences I’ve had in a long time. I hope to study with you again.
I wanted you to know how wonderful I am feeling after my very first treatment. I went to see my horse directly afterwards. He let me rub and clean his ears (which hadn’t been done in a long time) and he loved it. There was a lot of bonding and I was able to sit still and quiet. He even he came over and nuzzled me and we exchanged breaths. When I got home, my dog was quite calm compared to normal. It’s obvious we’ve been feeding off each others energy. The miracle is I didn’t hate him anymore.… Read more
Hello, from the Animal Healing Intro class at the horse expo. I’d like you to know that my knee felt much better immediately after you did the (15 minute demo) healing. I rested it for 4 days then resumed light activity. Thanks for the help … went for a ride yesterday without any problem.
I took the Level 1 Pranic course from Liza Burney in the Spring of 2014. It has been a gift for me and my horses. I use the skills I learned in the course every day! My horses love the energy work and it has allowed me to detect and treat subtle health issues before they developed into problems that would prevent me from riding.
I really enjoyed the Pranic Level I class taught by Liza Burney. She has an open welcoming style that allowed the class to processes the information the way we needed, while also staying on or ahead of schedule. Thanks.
Liza Burney of Heart to Heart Healing gave me a Pranic Healing session after my very special horse’s death. After Liza and I discussed some of my concerns and goals, she gave an amazing session including cleaning out meridians. I had been fighting off a cold. I can tell that things have really shifted and I oddly feel lighter. I highly recommend to anyone who is looking for something to treat themselves with a professional Pranic Healing session is better than chocolate and pizza in my book.
My husband’s gelding was purchased as a 4 year old and seemed to be such a human loving horse except he was cranky lots. We’ve done various things over the years: heavy metal detox, nutritional support, acupuncture, chiropractic, lysine and helpful herbs were added to his already prescribed diet. His attitude, looks, etc., improved but he still had an extremely stiff walk in the hind end. A few months ago, Liza came and did one Pranic Healing session on him, which he seemed to enjoy very … Read more
The information contained in this website is intended to be educational and not for diagnosis, prescription or treatment of any health disorder whatsoever. This information should not replace consultation with a competent healthcare professional. The content is intended to be used as an adjunct to a rational and responsible healthcare program prescribed by a healthcare practitioner. The author and owner are in no way liable for any misuse of the material.
Energy healing for horses is not intended to address conditions that are a result of dental issues, improper farrier care, improper saddle fit, or rider imbalance. Please see the appropriate professional to eliminate these as contributory sources first.
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