

OMGosh, so many (reasons to go) but the coolest thing was watching how much the horses really got into it.
There was one horse who couldn’t stand still but after 2 or 3 ‘swipes’ of ridding the bad joo-joo (not even touching the horse!!) He stood quietly and started yawning.
The OTTB who I took had his front leg broken on the track. 10 years later when I got him he was on such a huge amount of pain killer I was worried about his kidneys and liver. I weaned him off and he wasn’t as bad as I thought he would be but definitely gimpy in his “good” front leg.
He came home with no gimp. In fact he trotted out to meet the herd when we got home. something he NEVER did.
I highly recommend going. It’s definitely interesting.

B.P., Kelso, WA

In a nutshell, you SAVED my filly! Thank you for supporting her to cleanse her systems and let go of past pain and suffering.
For the first time yesterday, I watched her bucking, kicking and playing in the pasture like a NORMAL 2 year old filly! She ravenously dug into her hay and grain last night and again this morning and is fresh full and alive! Seeing the difference in her whole persona after your first appointment made me realize how she was only just existing to get through the day, and its as if you helped her hit the reset button, now she wants to live and be present in her life with me!
I only wish I had come to you sooner, as my vet was heading down the typical AMA – western medicine approach with no resolution in sight, and come to find out that what was bothering her had nothing to do with the path that we were taking with western medicine. I had not considered that her colic episodes were really a healing crisis, and I look forward to working with you in the future.
Thank you for doing what you do, its a beautiful gift that you give horses and their owners!

C.J., Coburg, OR

I attended the Pranic Healing for Horses clinic in Bend.  The “a-ha” moment for me was when I realized I could feel which area on the horse needed healing by the heat temperature difference in my hand.   I realized I could really do this when I asked the teacher where she felt the horse needed healing and she validated where I was feeling the need as well!  This information is a needed tool for ourselves and our animals. Overall, an excellent class.

Feeling the Horse's Energy

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge at the Pranic Healing for Horses clinic.  Today was one of the best classes and experiences I’ve had in a long time.   I hope to study with you again.

J. H., Bend. OR

My horse colicked last Friday. It was an intense few days with loads of Pranic Healing.  I was super grateful for my recent Level 1 Pranic Healing training. It gave me the confidence to focus on protocols for constipation and abdominal pain. It was very stressful for me because he wasn’t pooping for almost three days, but I finally got him turned around and we are slowly starting him back on his normal feeding routine.

F.S., Prineville, OR

My husband’s gelding was purchased as a 4 year old and seemed to be such a human loving horse except he was cranky lots. We’ve done various things over the years: heavy metal detox, nutritional support, acupuncture, chiropractic, lysine and helpful herbs were added to his already prescribed diet. His attitude, looks, etc., improved but he still had an extremely stiff walk in the hind end.

A few months ago, Liza came and did one Pranic Healing session on him, which he seemed to enjoy very much.  The amazing outcome was he walked off fluidly!!!  This improvement has maintained even through today. We are thrilled that he is happy and seems very comfortable. I truly believe all of this helped and the energy medicine of the Pranic Healing was needed to clear his system, finally, of the unhealthy energy left. Thank you, Liza.

A. N., Oregon

When I first took my horse to a local Equestrian Center, he would walk anywhere on the property, except near the hot-walker. To him, it must have seemed like a horse-eating monster, he was so reactive and avoiding it at all costs. The complication was that the hot-walker is located right by the entrance to the indoor arena. So we had to do something. He received Pranic Healing for emotional healing, focusing on fear. To my great delight, the next time we were on location, we actually walked calmly past the hot-walker not once, not twice, but five times!! It was as if it had never been a problem before

W. C., Portland, OR

I took the Level 1 Pranic course from Liza Burney in the Spring of 2014.  It has been a gift for me and my horses.  I use the skills I learned in the course every day!  My horses love the energy work and it has allowed me to detect and treat subtle health issues before they developed into problems that would prevent me from riding.

K.L., Portland, OR

I really enjoyed the Pranic Level I class taught by Liza Burney. She has an open welcoming style that allowed the class to processes the information the way we needed, while also staying on or ahead of schedule. Thanks.

D.S., Portland, OR

After receiving an emotional healing – it was truly amazing –  I had the greatest ride on my horse the following day! Completely anxiety-free, pure loving fun! After the ride, I felt like my heart was going to come right out my chest from love and joy; I was just beaming. After cleaning so much junk from my past that has been distorting and tainting what is now, I’m able to tap into some the pure emotions that I used to feel when I was a kid.

E.P., Astoria, Oregon