

Back in May, my horse was having eye irritation. Lots of mucus, hot to the touch. I physically cleaned it with cool water and tried to ice it. She was less then thrilled to have it fussed with. Then I used Pranic Healing on it.  The next morning it was still a tad warm, but had cleared up considerably. What’s interesting to me is after several months the problem as of today has not returned.

N.S., Eugene, OR

Thank you for coming to our barn and sharing your knowledge with us.  I practice the energy feeling and healing, and I feel a greater sense of connection to all things.  What you teach others is empowering and enlightening.  A gift to treasure!

K.E., Marylhurst, OR

I got on my horse the other day, and immediately my right ankle was extremely painful in the stirrup.  I used the technique from the Intro class, and within a few minutes, the pain was gone and I could ride effectively, instead of being distracted by the pain.  Yea!  p.s. and the pain hasn’t come back!

L.P., Beaverton, OR

Hello, from the Animal Healing Intro class at the horse expo.  I’d like you to know that my knee felt much better immediately after you did the (15 minute demo) healing.  I rested it for 4 days then resumed light activity.  Thanks for the help … went for a ride yesterday without any problem.

D.M., Albany, OR

I attended the Animal Healing Intro class this weekend and I loved it.  It was too short since I could have stayed all day to learn more.   I already have practiced some of the basic cleaning techniques, and I feel different.   I feel more at peace – my anxiety level has reduced significantly and that my heart and eyes are more open.

One of my horses is hyper sensitive to me and my feelings, and he felt that difference in me as well.    I have several horses and multitude of issues and past traumas, and I can’t wait to learn more how to help them and myself.

E.P., Astoria, Oregon

I have an 11 year old mare who is very athletic, playful, and always up to something!  Need I say more.  On Sunday afternoon, February 13, 2011, I noticed an open wound on her inside, right hock – almost to the bone and blood was running down her leg!   My mare must have clipped the inside of her hock with her front shoe while playing.   So I cleaned it up, I wrapped her hock and starting Sunday night, Liza started some energy healing work on her.  She worked on that wound on and off all day Monday.   By Tuesday morning, all you could see was a little slit – it was really magical – my only regret is that I didn’t take a “before” picture.  Her leg looks wonderful!!  And she only had to be on stall rest one day while it healed!   We both Thank You so much Liza and Pranic Healing.

B.P., Beaverton, OR

Fitzgerald, my 31 year old appaloosa hunter/jumper (retired), had to have his eye surgically removed at the vet school due to complications from uveitis and a corneal ulcer.  When he came home, he just stood with his head in the corner of the stall, and had stopped eating and drinking. He had passed a minimal amount of dry manure overnight. He seemed depressed.  I was concerned about potential issues with colic.

Having had some good experiences of pain relief from Pranic Healing myself, I asked Liza to do some distance work on him. Around 5:00 pm he brightened up, was much perkier and showed interest in what was going on around him. Then he scarfed down his beet pulp mush, ate his dinner senior feed with gusto and drank a few gallons of water. I checked my email, and Liza had sent a message at 4:30 pm that she had just finished doing distance healing work on him.

The next morning his manure was normal and he was eating and drinking normally. He actually whinnied at me to hurry up and feed him. MUCH better.  His eye area healed more quickly than expected, with no complications.  He seemed to be completely pain free in about 3 days, and was back to being his normal naughty self.  I feel that Pranic Healing helped avoid colic, and really accelerated his recovery. Thank you, Liza.

D.C., Hillsboro, OR

My Saddlebred mare, Rose, had stepped on a spike that went right into the center of her hoof at least an 1”. I immediately started to soak Rose’s hoof 3 times a day and wrapping it to make sure it was kept as clean as possible, about a week later while I was cleaning her foot, something popped out of the hole, I didn’t like the looks of it, since it was tubular looking, I pushed it back into the hole and had the vet out the next day. He looked at it and started to clean it as if it was like an abscess and out popped tubular material; the vet looked at it closer and told me that it looked like her tendon. He continued to tell me it wasn’t a good thing at all, and that her leg would swell and go all the way up her leg and in the mean time the other leg would be taking her full weight and would do the same. The leg would be all infected and that also would be carried all over.

He suggested I euthanize her. I told him that wasn’t an option.

A few days later I received an email for an introductory class on Pranic healing and I thought to myself, why not go and see what it is all about and try using it on my mare. I went with an open mind and during the class the healer suggested different exercises for the class to do and I was amazed the things I could feel. I did talk with Liza Burney and told her about my mare. I went home and started working on Rose. It really worked, Rose got better and she is now sound and used in my lesson program!!

March 2011

M.H., North Plains, OR

Liza Burney of Heart to Heart Healing gave me a Pranic Healing session after my very special horse’s death. After Liza and I discussed some of my concerns and goals, she gave an amazing session including cleaning out meridians. I had been fighting off a cold. I can tell that things have really shifted and I oddly feel lighter. I highly recommend to anyone who is looking for something to treat themselves with a professional Pranic Healing session is better than chocolate and pizza in my book.

F.S., Eugene, OR

What Pranic Healing has done for me in such a very short time is amazing. My fear of cantering my own horse was becoming debilitating in my mind. I was always afraid my horse would spook, take off while being on a trail ride and I would not be able to handle it.  Since going to see Liza, she has performed three sessions for me.  In learning how it works, I have found that my issue went a bit deeper than just cantering my horse. It actually was in my confidence of being alone with my horse while cantering. Having learned that, I have been able to canter my horse alone for the first time on Oct 17, 2010.

The best part about this is that I am learning that Liza was right in saying that once you start, this rolls into other areas of your life. I greatly appreciate the edification Liza has provided. I am a firm believer that ever thing happens for a reason.

L.B., Beaverton, OR